Spotlight Initiative Implementation Planning

In May 2021, LMU concluded a 19-month process of community consultation and deliberation by sharing its new strategic plan, Creating the World We Want to Live In. The strategic plan specifies a vision, three commitments, and five spotlight initiatives for the university to pursue, as described further below. Each spotlight initiative in turn specifies an overall goal, subordinate objectives that further define the goal, and a set of actions that will collectively achieve the goal. On the recommendation of President Snyder and the strategic planning steering committee, LMU's Board of Trustees approved the plan. In doing so, they authorized the university to pursue these specific goals, objectives, and actions as the university's defining priorities for the next five years.

In its concluding section, the strategic plan called for "a more detailed specification of how the plan will be implemented, including identification of metrics of success, timetables for action, and similar matters." President Snyder has now created a Planning Advisory Council to oversee the implementation of the plan, and charged it with the review and approval of proposed implementation plans for the strategic plan's five spotlight initiatives. As specified in the strategic plan, five "small and agile" teams, each led by a member of the Planning Advisory Council, were created in Summer 2021 to review the plan's goals, objectives and actions and propose more detailed elaborations of the action plans and metrics for success for each spotlight initiative.

This document shares the metrics, targets and detailed action plans proposed by the five spotlight initiative implementation teams and approved by the Planning Advisory Council. It is presented in two parts. Part One: Proposed Metrics and Targets, describes the measurements and outcomes proposed for each spotlight initiative goal and in particular the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will determine our degree of success. Part Two: Detailed Action Plans, elaborates on each objective and action in the Board-approved plan to propose more specifically how they can be realized in a way that ensures successful completion of the goals for each spotlight.