This Strategic Plan lays out in broad strokes the university's priorities and plans for the next eight years.  In order for the plan to be fully realized, all constituents within the university must be involved in its implementation and ongoing evaluation.

Implementation of the plan will occur at multiple levels.  Much will occur in the schools, colleges and other units. Coordination, prioritization, resource allocation, oversight and planning for improvement will occur at the university level.

Strategic planning is a dynamic process that responds to the outcomes of campus initiatives and external opportunities and challenges.  Thus, an essential component of strategic planning is a process for tracking progress, conducting environmental scans and making appropriate adjustments.

A critical component of these ongoing evaluations and planning processes is the identification of indicators of success for each strategic priority.  Toward that end, Appendix A contains examples of relevant metrics that are currently available.

The sections below detail the process by which schools, colleges and other units will develop their own plans, as well as the ongoing evaluation and planning processes that will be established. 

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