The charge for schools, colleges and other units to develop their own strategic plans recognizes that the university’s work takes place within individual functional units.  We build success by supporting these units in a manner that creates distinctive areas of programmatic strength within and across schools.  The challenge is to balance investments in core capabilities of each school with programs and infrastructure that cross school boundaries and processes that facilitate collaboration.  Similarly, we ensure the quality of the educational experience by providing the necessary infrastructure in functional units that provide critical support for the university’s academic mission.

Unit-level plans provide schools, colleges and other functional units a platform from which to identify the ways in which their units will collectively support the implementation of the Strategic Plan. These plans also provide guidance that will help units innovate and prioritize in ways that strengthen programs and enhance operations.

In the spirit of the process used for developing this Strategic Plan, unit-level plans will be created in an inclusive and transparent manner, with input from all appropriate stakeholders.

In developing plans, each unit will:

  • Specify activities that will directly advance specific initiatives in the Strategic Plan.
  • Describe how new initiatives, both within the unit and in collaboration with other units, are aligned with the priorities and objectives laid out in this Strategic Plan.
  • Identify the highest priorities, specify the resources required for those priorities, and indicate the source of funding.
  • Identify success indicators for each proposed initiative and describe the processes for collecting evidence of success.

Unit-level plans will be submitted to the provost for his or her consideration by May 2013.

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