Table of Contents
Forming Leaders Who Transform the World:
Loyola Marymount University Strategic Plan 2012-2020
- Introduction
- University Mission
- Core Values
- Vision
- Strategic Themes
- Theme 1: Excellence in Transformative Undergraduate Education
- Theme 2: Leadership in Graduate Education
- Theme 3: Promoting the Teacher-Scholar Model
- Theme 4: Commitment to Local and Global Citizenship
- Theme 5: Advancing LMU's Role as a Premier Catholic University in the Jesuit and Marymount Traditions
- Theme 6: Promoting Competitiveness and Accountability
- The Way Forward
- Works Cited
- Appendix A: Examples of Relevant Metrics
- Theme 1: Excellence in Transformative Undergraduate Education Metrics
- Theme 2: Leadership in Graduate Education Metrics
- Theme 3: Promoting the Teacher-Scholar Model Metrics
- Theme 4: Commitment to Local and Global Citizenship Metrics
- Theme 5: Advancing LMU's Role as a Premier Catholic University in the Jesuit and Marymount Traditions Metrics
- Theme 6: Promoting Competitiveness and Accountability Metrics