Personalized Connections Initiative


LMU will reinforce the value of our student-centered educational experience through personalized connections between students and the faculty and staff who support them.

Objective 1

Maximize the value of LMU’s signature student-centered experience by re-defining “personalized connections” for the current context.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Set targets for tenure-line and full-time faculty aimed at maintaining favorable student/faculty ratio and small class sizes to preserve strong personalized connections. Summer 2024 In progress
Evaluate current usage of curricular and co-curricular high-impact practices (HIPs) for student success such as global learning, engaged learning experiences, leadership development, internships and student work experiences – and develop a plan that ensures equitable access to these learning experiences. Summer 2024 In progress
Research and potentially develop a four-year HIPs plan and/or an LMU Experiences Transcript to guide and document curricular and co-curricular aspects of a student's development. Summer 2024 In progress
Increase support for undergraduate research and extend global and local research opportunities. Summer 2024 In progress
Leverage recent gains in familiarity with technology-assisted pedagogies and establish a learning growth plan to enhance faculty, staff, and student fluency to maximize technology as a key feature of LMU's personalized connections. Summer 2024 In progress
Revisit and devise an updated approach to summer term and/or new "intersession" course offerings and modalities to enhance flexible learning options for students. Summer 2024 In progress
Extend the value of an LMU education by consolidating and/or further enhancing career and professional development services, alumni engagement, and lifelong learning opportunities. Summer 2024 In progress

Objective 2

Sustain or improve retention and graduation rates in the face of downward pressures.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Create and test a more coordinated, centralized, and communicative student success infrastructure that includes a "web of support" technology foundation to facilitate undergraduate and graduate student transition and onboarding, curricular and co-curricular engagement, and continued and timely progress toward their degree. Summer 2024 Complete and ongoing
Create structures and practices that ensure institution-wide coordination and information-sharing to support student success and evidence-based decision-making while protecting data privacy and information security. Summer 2024 In progress
Evaluate current student advising and academic services and expand impact by increasing awareness of available support structures among students, faculty, and staff and expanding self-help tools. Summer 2024 In progress
Enhance support structures and self-help tools for student health and well-being. Summer 2024 In progress
Integrate diversity and equity considerations in devising student success structures and services. Summer 2024 In progress

More Information

For more information about the Personalized Connections Initiative, please contact Jennifer Belichesky-Larson, Assistant Vice Provost of Strategic Initiatives, at