Integrative and Interdisciplinary Thinking Initiative


LMU will establish a distinctive academic specialization in interdisciplinary and integrative thinking approaches that prepares students to use multi-dimensional analysis, critical reasoning, and creative problem solving.

Objective 1

Develop or modify distinctive curricular and co-curricular programs that foreground interdisciplinary and integrative thinking as the hallmark of an LMU education.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Strengthen the educational impact of the interdisciplinary dimensions of the core curriculum, including consideration of an Interdisciplinary Academy/Academy of the Core. Summer 2024 In progress
Leverage the flexibility of the University Honors Program curriculum as a laboratory for innovation in interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Summer 2024 In progress
In consultation with faculty, develop a university-wide framework to assess and assure interdisciplinary and integrative thinking in learning outcomes, curricula, and pedagogy. Summer 2024 In progress
Expand usage of pedagogies, curricular content and co-curricular experiences that promote interdisciplinary and integrative thinking, including imagination, creativity, and ethical discernment. Summer 2024 In progress
Expand usage of pedagogies, curricular content and co-curricular experiences that leverage interdisciplinary and integrative forms of experiential and engaged learning, project-based learning, and reflective learning, especially those that engage with challenging problems that require a multi-disciplinary focus. Summer 2024 In progress

Objective 2

Design or modify institutional structures to support interdisciplinary cooperation, and build selected, mission-resonant areas of interdisciplinary excellence oriented toward solving the world’s most challenging problems.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Explore and recommend a timeline to create and launch selected new interdisciplinary degree programs. Summer 2024 In progress
Explore and propose potential academic concentrations and credentials that recognize thematic or skill-based multi-disciplinary experiences at a smaller scale than a traditional major or minor. Summer 2024 In progress
Devise a plan to expand and support opportunities for collaborative teaching. Summer 2024 In progress
Create or enhance spaces, modes, and partnerships to promote interdisciplinary research ideation and intellectual community. Summer 2024 In progress
Align capital fundraising priorities to support the need for a "creativity-ready" campus, including additional spaces to support programs in fine arts, engineering, and digital and immersive learning. Summer 2024 In progress
Pursue fundraising opportunities to support endowed faculty positions with interdisciplinary expertise in select fields. Summer 2024 In progress

More Information

For more information about the Integrative and Interdisciplinary Thinking Initiative, please contact John Parrish, Vice President of Institutional Strategy, at, or Jonathan Rothchild, Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education, at