Discovery and Innovation in Graduate and Professional Education Initiative


Adapt curricula and research support systems to provide competitive, mission-resonant graduate and professional programs that respond to societal needs, new market climates, and horizons of discovery.

Objective 1

Design and implement a “start-up” framework for graduate and professional education that facilitates the creation and continuing evolution of innovative degree programs in academic areas of promise.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Establish a revolving source of competitive seed funding to assist colleges and schools in developing innovative new graduate and professional programs en route to establishing long-term fiscal sustainability. Summer 2024 In progress
In collaboration with faculty, adapt the academic review process and program governance structures for graduate/professional program to encourage innovation and responsiveness to emerging opportunities while sustaining academic quality. Summer 2024 In progress
Revise existing budget frameworks and establish appropriate incentives that promote academic innovation, market-responsiveness, and enrollment growth. Summer 2024 In progress
Increase and systematize LMU's use of relevant market research and data-based decision-making about proposed and existing graduate programs. Summer 2024 Complete and ongoing
Foster mission-distinctiveness and enhance mission integration in graduate and professional program curricula and student life. Summer 2024 In progress
Set clear expectations and data benchmarks to increase graduate enrollments. Summer 2024 Complete and ongoing

Objective 2

Deepen LMU’s commitment to the teacher-scholar model by strengthening university-wide infrastructure and support for graduate and professional research activity.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Enhance university research grant infrastructure (sponsored projects and professional development) for faculty and graduate students. Summer 2024 In progress
Evaluate current support for graduate student success and research opportunities for graduate students and invest in key support structures. Summer 2024 In progress
Stabilize current doctoral program enrollments to ensure we meet requirements for national university status. Summer 2024 Complete and ongoing
In dialogue with faculty, determine whether to add new research doctoral programs and/or convert selected existing research master's programs to doctoral programs. Summer 2024 In progress
In collaboration with faculty, develop a coherent overall portfolio of selected research-degree master's programs, interdisciplinary graduate/professional offerings, and market-distinctive graduate online/hybrid programs, and establish appropriate infrastructure to support academic quality for the new portfolio of programs. Summer 2024 In progress

More Information

For more information about the Discovery and Innovation in Graduate and Professional Education Initiative, please contact Jose Badenes, Vice Provost of Academic Programs, at