Access LMU Initiative


Expand access to an LMU education, especially among distance learners, post-traditional students, students in non-degree or continuing education programs, and other students who have encountered obstacles to pursuing traditional forms of higher education.

Objective 1

Create new access opportunities to an LMU education, including among populations of distance learners and post-traditional students, and adapt our structures and practices to serve better the distinctive needs of these students.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Devise an overall enrollment and financial aid strategy aimed at balancing stable long-term enrollment patterns with improving access and reducing unmet need and dependence on loans for lower-income students. Summer 2024 In progress
Through strategic fundraising initiatives, increase scholarship endowments and current use scholarship funds. Summer 2024 In progress
Convene a working group to conduct a market/needs assessment and develop an action plan for serving distance learners and post-traditional students and develop an action plan. Summer 2024 In progress
Explore how using prior learning assessments and other mechanisms that recognize educational achievements can facilitate appropriate academic progress for distance learners and post-traditional students and propose potential opportunities. Summer 2024 In progress
Explore options for expanded online/hybrid learning, flexible learning schedules and self-paced/accelerated degree programs for distance learners and post-traditional students and outline proposals to actualize. Summer 2024 In progress
Expand financial aid, advising, career center and other support services to better accommodate evening, weekend, and after-hours learning. Summer 2024 In progress
Support and resource faculty who focus on adapting teaching to serve distance learners and post-traditional students. Summer 2024 In progress
Research, outline, and leverage opportunities to enroll mission-appropriate cohorts of students through external partnerships, strategic acquisitions, or program mergers. Summer 2024 In progress

Objective 2

Broaden access to LMU’s academic experience by re-configuring and selectively expanding LMU’s non-degree professional and continuing education programs.

Action Item Last Updated Status
Establish appropriate academic leadership structures and charge them with re-imagining, re-configuring, and re-branding LMU's continuing education offerings. Summer 2024 In progress
Revise offerings of non-degree/certificate programs to ensure expansion in key professional fields, especially leveraging LMU's Playa Vista and downtown Law School campuses to take advantage of L.A.'s strengths at the nexus of the media-technology sectors. Summer 2024 In progress
Develop outreach approaches that help potential non-degree-seeking learners see themselves as benefiting from an LMU education. Summer 2024 In progress

More Information

For more information about the Access LMU Initiative, please contact Maureen Weatherall, Vice Provost of Enrollment Management, at