Title IX Coordinator

Rick Olshak, the Interim Title IX Coordinator, currently oversees Loyola Marymount University's efforts to prevent discrimination on the basis of sex, including oversight of the university's multi-tiered and cross-campus educational and response efforts related to sexual harassment, sexual or interpersonal misconduct.

The Title IX Coordinator works collaboratively with other campus departments and offices, including but not limited to Deputy Title IX Coordinators, University Leadership, Office of Student Conduct and Community Responsibility (OSCCR), Campus Safety Services (formerly Department of Public Safety), the Student Affairs Dean's Office, Human Resources and The Office of the Provost, to oversee implementation of effective educational programs and training materials for faculty, staff, and students on Title IX and other related topics.

The Title IX Coordinator also oversees the investigation and adjudication of reported Title IX violations, including monitoring outcomes, identifying and addressing patterns, and assessing effects on the campus climate.

Contact the Title IX Coordinator

Rick Olshak
Interim Title IX Coordinator, Loyola Marymount University
Email: titleix@lmu.edu
Office: University Hall 1900

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Francesca Piumetti
Student Affairs
Phone: (310) 338-1821
Email: fpiumetti@lmu.edu
Office: Malone 355

Ashley Armstrong
Phone: (310) 258-7246
Email: ashley.armstrong@lmu.edu
Office: Gersten Pavilion

Janet Lindsay
Human Resources
Phone: (310) 338-4345
Email: janet.lindsay@lmu.edu
Office: University Hall 1900

Matthew Riojas
Loyola Law School
Phone: (213) 736-8151
Email: matthew.riojas@lls.edu
Office: Founders Hall 107

Trained Professional Staff

For information about LMU's trained professionals who investigate and adjudicate cases related to sexual or interpersonal misconduct, as well as those who implement corrective measures and accommodations, please visit the Trained Professional Staff page for their contact information.